Forest Bathing


with Mary Alice Mastrovito


Arrival - 1:45 p.m.

Program - 2:00-4:30 p.m.


Attend one or attend them all!




July 27

South Chagrin Reservation - Jackson Field


September 28

Location TBD


November 16

Location TBD


Enjoy an afternoon in nature to center and renew!



  • Guided mindful walk through the forest
  • Guided full sensory experience
  • Individual Reflection Time
  • Community Sharing


Forest Bathing or Forest Therapy is a research-based framework for supporting health and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments. Forest Bathing walks encourage a deep connection to Nature and provide us with the opportunity to unplug and step back from stress to renew balance, practice peace, and find the stillness within.


This program will involve a guided walk with a certified guide of Forest Bathing. We will cover under a mile over easy terrain with frequent stops. This walk will be suitable for most ability levels.


See below for forest bathing FAQ and photos from previous events.


Location and directions will be provided upon registration.


Fee: $35 Non-Members

           $28 Members


July 27 Location


In July, we will meet at


Jackson Field 

South Chagrin Reservation

Chagrin River Road

Moreland Hills, Ohio 44022


We will be walking through a delightful combination of meadow and forest while ending at the river’s edge. The location is a sweet blend of meadow, forest, and river.

Locations for later dates will be selected closer to the events.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve tried hiking groups and I can’t keep up. 

Forest Therapy walks are slow and easy meanderings on an established trail. We typically walk less than a mile during a 2 or 3 hour walk with frequent stops. The focus of a Forest Therapy walk is the experience of immersion into nature while opening your senses to all the elements present.  How fast or how far we walk does not come into consideration. If you have specific concerns, please contact me. A few of the trails are suitable for those with temporary or permanent mobility issues who use walking aides like walkers or canes.

What do I need to bring to a Forest Therapy walk? How do I prepare?

The most important preparation is to dress for the weather. Be comfortable. Because our slow meandering will not be building up much body heat, you may want to have an additional layer on hand in case you are chilly. Always bring water. Always wear suitable shoes. Flip flops are not suitable footwear for this activity. 

Some people also bring sunscreen and a small backpack and journal. And of course, any personal medical needs like an EpiPen or other medication.

What are the Benefits of Forest Therapy?

Studies show that a regular Forest Bathing Practice can have the following benefits:

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves mood
  • Enhances focus, even in children with ADHD
  • Accelerates recovery from surgery or illness
  • Increases energy levels
  • Improves sleep
  • And…expands our heart as we shift into a vibrant, resilient, relationship of reciprocity.

Who is the “Therapist” in Forest Therapy?


The Guide Opens the Door. The Forest is the Therapist


It is now widely accepted that time in Nature is good for us…but there is so much more to it than that. 


Forest Therapy is a practice that encourages us to remember how to live in balance, harmony, and deep relationship with ourselves, each other, and the entire more-than-human world. 


Together we create a safe and creative space where we can practice dropping the old attitude of human dominance and growing into a new relationship of respect and responsibility with all life.


Together we build habits that support us off the trail as well. These habits include things like awareness, presence, openness, and observation.

About the Facilitator

Mary Alice Mastrovito

Certified Forest Bathing Guide


Mary Alice’s professional life began in the fields of music and teaching before moving on to careers in horticulture, including her own garden design and maintenance business. Through it all, she felt an interest in healing in the broadest sense and a deepening personal spirituality. Later, she pursued certifications in Reiki, Flower Essences, Nature and Forest Therapy, and ordination as an inter-faith minister.  Through it all, Nature has been her cherished and trusted partner, guiding her through her personal evolution.  Learn more on her website at

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