
Support Shadybrook Programs & Events

Your tax-deductible support is important to help fulfill Shadybrook’s mission!

We are committed to making our services accessible to anyone seeking

to enhance their life and realize their human potential, regardless of background or financial status.

Our programs and scholarships are underwritten by the generous support of endowments and gifts.

We ask you to put your caring into action and stretch out your heart and hand.

Will your employer match your gift to Shadybrook?
Many people who make charitable donations are unaware that their gift may be eligible for matching funds from their employer. Companies often match employee gifts to nonprofit organizations.

A bequest is a provision in your will naming Shadybrook as a recipient of a part of your estate. It is flexible and easy. A bequest may be for a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or it may take the form of a trust. The taxable amount of your estate is reduced by the value of any charitable bequests.

Retirement Funds
Naming Shadybrook as a beneficiary of all or part of an IRA or qualified retirement plan could achieve both estate and income tax savings. The gift funds escape estate tax, leaving for your heirs other assets, which are not subject to additional income taxes. Shadybrook, as a not-for-profit organization, will not pay income tax and your heirs will receive their share of your estate without the burden of income taxes.

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